

Birth. Careers. Relocating. Death. Those are some of life's biggest changes. With all change comes very mixed emotions and stress.
  They are many seasons of change in ones life that it is sometimes impossible to predict them all and how you will feel or react. Some are chosen changes though. That is what I am about to embark on. A new journey of saying goodbye to fellow co-workers (and comfort) and heading off to meet new faces (and enter an area of unease).
   While I am very excited to start in Abington's ER where anything can (and probably will) happen, I am sad to leave the med/surg specialty that I have worked for more than 6 years. I am very comfortable with caring for the same patients for 12 hours a day, not the fast paced "Hi" and "Bye" in 90 minutes. I am used to say, "Sorry that bed isn't ready." How do you say that to an ambulance? (you don't)
   Although I'm interested to see the other side of the coin, meaning that with working on a floor for 6 years you don't always understand what is going on in the ER, I'm scared that it may be overwhelming. At least the people during my interview told me what to expect when they said, "It's ok if you feel overwhelmed and cry or feel like you can't do this. We worry about those who don't do that." (reassuring, right?)
    Anyway I'm not sure how all will go. I'm scared, sad, excited, apprehensive and wondering if i made a mistake. We'll see when November 14 rolls around and I start orientation. As a friend likes to say, "It's either going to be a good time or a good story." Let's hope it's both!

I enjoyed the show, so why not? How different can it really be? Haha.


  1. I didn't know you got a job there. I'll be praying for you! Love you.

  2. oh yea. i just found out Friday and I meant to mention it to you on Saturday and Sunday, but just slipped my mind BOTH times.. should be exciting!

  3. Congratulations! That should be a big change and I'm sure you'll have lots of interesting stories (are you allowed to tell any of the stories or is that a confidentiality thing?)

  4. It certainly will be a BIG change, but an exciting one. I can tell stories as long as I don't give names or enough information that people could figure out who i am talking about.
