
Simple things that make me smile and feel content

*In no particular order*

Clean dishes (aka an empty sink)
Smell of hay, freshly cut grass, fir trees, lilacs and hyacinths
Orange sky in the evening after snow or while it’s still snowing
A good run
Seeing my little boy talk and grin (actually watching him do anything)
Clean sheets
My husband coming home
A warm fire
Fresh, ripe fruit
Hearing little giggles from another room
Crawling into bed when I’m really tired
The freshness your feet feel after washing them before bed on a summer night (and how the feel under the sheets)
The freshness of clothes dried outside
A late night with good friends
Watching my husband laugh without restraint
Crisp fall mornings
Sunrises and Sunsets (especially in the winter)
Waking up to Keane ‘talking’ in his room
Sleeping next to my love

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