
Cleaning the modern day icebox

  Last night I ventured to do something that I dread. Cleaning the refrigerator!!! I think that is one thing I would actually PAY$$ someone to do. Which is silly, I know. I don't mind dusting, dishes, laundry (though sometimes I wish laundry would put itself away) or scrubbing any part of the bathroom, but I despise the fridge. Not sure why. Although somewhat trivial, my reasons for such disdain are that I don't like being in the cold, everything is always gooey, there are too many awkward spots to scrub, and not to mention unloading all your groceries and then reorganizing them again. Plus I have the type with the 'distressed' design, if you know what I mean. With all those decorative cracks that everything gets stuck in. So who decided on this ingenious design? .."Let's make something white with lots of little cracks so things can get stuck in it..." I know it's just the outside and those little drawer handles, but it still annoys me.
  Additionally, I think that I never really feel like it's organized well enough. It just doesn't look pretty aesthetically pleasing to me when it's all done. It still looks like things were strewn about but just in a nicer manner than before.
  I think the only thing I dread more, is the freezer. Where your hot soapy water's power is instantly quenched by it's icy opponent. In fact my only motivations for cleaning either is usually either shear embarrassment that others will see it or pure disgust. (That excludes moving, when you are forced to clean it)
   As an example, there has been some little area of something that spilled at least 1-2 months ago, that I finally had enough of to motivate me today. Granted I usually clean up any spill right away, so I'm not sure where this one originated, but alas that spot had stared me down long enough. So, when I came home with some groceries I ripped apart everything. (Ok, so it's not like I'm living in filth, I do clean out those lovely storage containers on a weekly basis, but the top to bottom scrub is a despised rarity. Still after my semi-annual scrubbing last night, I feel like I should get some time of prize. Like I just conquered Mt Everest.)
    Actually this cleaning was a combo of my above mentioned reasons, since I know we are having dinner guests tonight. Nonetheless, it is done. Until next time, dear fridge...
*Now if only I could organize the rest of my house with this 'cleaning-surge' energy.*
Veggies are always casualties of my fridge sweeps. I always find some type of surprise in those drawers.

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