
9 months and lovin' it!

  Today I am enjoying being a mother of a 9 month old. Not just any 9 month old, but a 27 inch, 16lb 9oz walking machine.. I LOVE that he is mobile. I know A LOT of mothers who have said, "Yea you get excited when they start walking but then you can't stop them. Plus they get into everything." So I might regret that he is walking so early but at this point I am SOO excited!  The main reason for this excitement is because HE is loving it as well.
    Let me explain. Ever since he was born, ok maybe about 2-3 months old, he has been frustrated with not being able to do what he wants. I mean he was really frustrated with not being able to move (well roll over), then crawl and then get where he wanted. I feel like most kids get frustrated when they are so close to a new stage but he was annoyed before he got close. He always seem like he wanted to be able to do what he wanted. Hence why, at around 3 months, he could roll over from front to back. Then a few weeks later he mastered the back to front flip. At 4-1/2 months he started lurching forward by sticking his butt up in the air and pushing himself.
   All of this was exciting for him, but still never fully satisfied. Thus commenced the 'walking' around holding on to our hands at about 5 months. *He knew he couldn't do it himself, so he was resourceful and got us help.* Until this past week, when he decided to try it out for himself. He didn't waste any time, in less than 4 full days, he is walking up to 10-15 feet unassisted.
Running at me today.

   I have thoroughly enjoyed him being able to sit up to play by himself and crawl around, but it was all a whirlwind and now he's walking. The best part is that I've never seen him so smiley and happy. He's so proud of himself. Why shouldn't he be? 9 months ago he couldn't even hold up his head and his eyes rolled up in his head. Crazy how fast it all happens.
    So as I am thinking through all of this I just wanted to recap with a couple of pictures from Keane's first week and today. I love my little boy. Still can't believe I was even pregnant. Time just flew by!
1st week!

9 months and 2 weeks!


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