
French Toast Bagels

  As a last minute activity while being home alone with Keane, I decided to try to make french toast bagels from scratch, well using my bread machine.
   First off, it's very hard to find a recipe for french toast bagels from scratch. (Or else I just don't know how to search well.) I had saved a search for bread machine bagels awhile ago on my allrecipes.com iPhone app, so I just decided to improvise with some ingredients to make it french toast style. (This should have been my first indicator to rethink this activity, but I surged ahead)
  While the bean was napping, I hurriedly got out my bread machine and started throwing ingredients into it. Water, vanilla, sugar, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon, flour.....where's the flour? To my shock and dismay I quickly discovered that I have no flour.  (well not enough for 3 cups)
 "WHAT? I ALWAYS have flour..."
   In fact, one time, in the not too distant past, I was making bread and thought I didn't have any flour so I bought some, only to find that I have a extra bag hiding in my cabinet. Since then, I guess I haven't been keeping tabs on my flour usage since I knew thought I had so much.
   In my frantic search, I found whole wheat flour, so I thought, "hey, that's healthier anyway.." So I continued on my endeavor of this french toast bagel making. (Once again I could have counted my losses at this point but no.."i'm going to do this" I thought. Or really I could have waited until Keane woke up again to run to the store, but of course, I wanted to do it NOW!)
    Finally, I add all the ingredients I think will be right, program the machine to the 'dough' setting and start watching it work it's magic. I realize that I may need to add a little more water since I used different flour, so I keep adding until I think it looks right.
At this point I'm feeling excited that I'm finally doing this but still apprehensive of the outcome.
An hour and a half later the dough is done (and Keane is awake). I feed him and try to content him with some nearby toys, so I can go finish this bagel making adventure.  I take out the dough only to notice that my bread machine has an actual 'bagel dough' setting! (This had to be strike 3 or 4) I silently grumbled in my head and continue on kneading the dough a little, split it up into 6 pieces and attempt to make them look like normal bagels.
**Mind you that I am trying to make these specific bagels, because Matthew LOVES the ones from Panera, but he is also the one who as a little boy wouldn't eat a broken cookie, just because it was broken.** So they have to be perfect. (But like i have said before this is already a HUGE mistake because i am guessing at everything by now, but I'm determined) 
Anyway, I think I added too much water (or used the wrong setting) because the bagels weren't keeping their form well. I threw them in the sugary boiling water as I was instructed and fished them out with a holey spatula. Placed them on the baking sheet, which was covered with cinnamon sugar, brushed them with eggs, added more cinnamon sugar on top and popped them in the oven. Waited 20 minutes and this is what I got.
All I can say is that they are NOT perfect, but lets hope they taste good with some butter or cream cheese. I did sample the one in the top right corner (if you're wondering why there is only half there) but the verdict is still out. (i'm not holding my breath) I will keep you posted as to how the actually taste when I try them in the morning, but I'm already figuring most will be thrown out. We'll see if The Love is bold enough to try one before they get tossed. Better luck (and planning) next time.

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