
Life with a One Year Old

   Recently, I feel as if my little one has stolen my heart again. I can't get enough of him. I snuggle and squeeze him very often! To which I either get pushed away and others a long embrace. He's just at such a fun age of playing hide and seek with a blanket or physically walking away and lingering before looking for me with a big grin on his face. Also he loves music, which is great since Matthew and I both do and have it playing a lot. **A special shout out to Auntie E and Uncle D for the Slugs and Bugs CD which he laughs at a lot of the songs.** Overall, I just enjoy discovering his personality. Despite it not always being pleasant.
     I always seem to remember the good things, which I know is a blessing from the One above because I easily forget the mini-tantrums he has been throwing since about 6 months old and his 'ADD personality' which doesn't lend well to finishing a bottle, a book, dinner or even enduring the changing of a diaper. We have to distract him while giving him a bottle or else after about 2 oz he will be off you lap on to something else and will be miserable for not 'eating' enough, which also goes for dinner. He's get bored of being in his high chair and stops eating even though he is hungry. The diaper scenario has been treacherous at times when I'm all alone (and the boy did more than urinating) since about the time he could roll over. He would just thrust himself over and attempt to get away. Of course it was easy at first because I'm a strong capable mother, but sometimes it takes more force than I'd like. 
  But you see, all these things I just forget instantaneously when I see his little grin or hear a little giggle. Especially recently with all his 'talking'. Not comprehensible words yet but lots of trying with 'tdis,' 'geh,' and 'keah'. Sometimes I even think he repeats things with the same syllables or inflections that I have but totally the wrong sounds, but I love it. I think he's a genius!
   The last thing I'll brag about is that he's skills with his utensils. I love when he actually gets food in his mouth. Which I'm sure every mother loves, especially with the smashed mess of food all flung about. So with every bite that actually makes it in his mouth, it's amazing. I also think it's cute that he  doesn't want pieces anymore, he wants the whole piece of bread or vegetable, so he can bite it himself.
   I'm just amazed at him everyday and can draw new parallels to my role as a mother and God's relationship with us.
    How God is our cheerleader as we learn. Just as I cheer on Keane for getting a shape in the correct hole or getting the food in his mouth, God is there cheering on us through life.
    I see more and more how I really am fearfully and wonderfully made 'physically' as I watch Keane develop and grow. It just AMAZES me how about a year ago I brought home this completely helpless little being that only knew how to suck and cry. And today I have this little walking 'talking' boy full of curiosity. (well i guess the whole pregnancy amazes me even more as well)
     How God's discipline is good for us. We don't always know what is best and are sometimes blinded by what we want. Anyone can tell you that a child obviously doesn't know what is best for them, but why can't we as humans then agree that we can't possibly know what is best for ourselves at times? Were we present when the world was created?

I'm sure I could think of more, but those are the top 3 currently. I'm just very thankful that the Lord has blessed me with being a parent. Just as when I got married, it's incredible how much the Lord shows me of Himself (and myself) with each new step I take.

How could you not love this boy?


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