
To Write or Not to Write?....that is the question

Me, a blogger? Not really. But everyone is doing it...so why not? But what will I 'talk' about? Will anyone read it? Do I want anyone to read it?  (That was my thought process not too long ago, trying to figure out if this is a right fit or if I will forget about this whole thing in about a month..or two)

In some ways I feel like, "Do I really have anything to say that people want to hear?" I mean, let's face it, there really is nothing new under the sun. This is the problem with me. I list pros and cons...pros and cons....and then some more pros and cons of things and then do nothing, because I've 'listed' my way into indecision or convinced myself that it is hopeless since I see the other side.

But not today.....today I decided to start this new endeavor to see where it leads. Will you come follow?

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