
Forget the parties...look at the facts

So I'm not really political & I won't even claim to follow the presidential race well. But the reason I can't believe people will reelect Obama, is looking at the last 4 years.

Ok, so yes, Osama Bin Laden, is dead. Hooray! Kudos to Obama.

But what about the healthcare plan that was pushed through, that clearly nobody wanted? I mean, the town hall meetings clearly showed that. They thought 'listening' to people would evoke some confidence in their administration, but when nobody wanted what the offered, they still pushed it through. Well they made it a 1000 page bill ( that no one could read in 3 days) so they have to take our word on what was written in it. Seems strange to me?

Now, let's look at unemployment. Which seems to be a "selling point" in his reelection. But it really has not improved. So what do they do? Take responsibility & admit they has other 'priorities'? No, we'll blame Bush, still!
If 4 years wasn't enough to start change, I don't want them to say the same after 8!

So, my biggest fear, is this shift toward socialism. By definition, socialism is a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole or (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

So basically I'm afraid we're moving toward this because I feel like this administration is moving toward the American public becoming more reliant on the government. They seem to be preying on the (ever increasing) population of Americans who don't want to work to succeed & rise above their current position. They want to increase government involvement to help the people "who can't help themselves" (or maybe don't want to)

In the end, after we start down this road, we will then have to 'vote' for the government to continue to help us because they will start to regulate things & we'll have to follow it or else we'll have to hit rock bottom to start over. No one will willing want to hit rock bottom, so to keep voting for more government to help 'bail' us out is what we'll have to do. Just seems like a slippery slope to me.

I just don't want to be "enslaved" to the government. I enjoy the democratic society where we, as the public, have a voice. That's what America was founded on & what makes us great.

I won't even talk about the race issue. But it deserves a quick mention, that unfortunately, I've heard first hand that many people will be voting again for him, due to his color. Sadly, they think he is for "their" people, but he's not. He's for himself and his agenda.

Lastly I leave with a video from the opening of a HBO series called, "Newsroom." Just made me think and I hope it does the same for you.