
Blind date


 I have been thinking about how Christians interact with the 'world' and have been frustrated and upset about the ways I have seen it done poorly, or even myself, have been a not so godly example.

   In my end of high school/beginning college years, I was a 'tell it like it is' Christian, who was very zealous about the truth but maybe lacking the love and grace that Jesus talked about. I still remember the day when I was reading through Colossians chapter 4, when verse 6 hit me like a ton of bricks. It says, "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."
    The meaning of salt, I derived from Matthew chapter 5 verse 13 where it is, "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men." So, to me, the verse in Colossians means that the words we speak need to be full of love and grace and just seasoned with the truth, not blindsiding people with it, as I was in the habit of doing at that time. (Like I said, I was in my, 'tell it as it is" phase.)
    I think the 'seasoned with salt' part is very important because we're not to neglect truth in order to not cause conflict or disrupt relationships. But the grace should be so evident that the salt does cause healing instead of just pain or bitterness. (Like the example of salt healing a wound, it isn't without pain in some cases.) 
    I don't think I have lost all bluntness, because I think I am very open and still tell-it-like-it-is with certain things, but I would like to believe the Lord has soften my approach, most times. (I'm still being perfected, so sorry if you're part of my learning curve) He has showed me that Jesus was very gentle but spoke truth to the 'outsiders' of the faith and was most harsh with the insiders who were tarnishing His name. The ones who made their own truth and try to dispense it as if it were from God. (Unfortunately, I'm sure that was me at one time. Praise Him for forgiveness and His grace.)
    I have learned that this 'christian walk' is a relationship with the Lord, like many earthly relationships, that is always changing and full of ups and downs. It can be a hard thing to not fall into just following Christian principles or values, because it's easy to know 'right' and 'wrong' and memorize verses that pertain to many of life's circumstances, and feel like we have a relationship with God. Then, as a good christian, we go and spread the gospel to others. Yet this gospel we are spreading is just how to follow rules and give comfort with a verse or two, instead of interacting and loving a real, living God.
   I recently heard this example of introducing someone to God, like it's a blind date. A person wouldn't read off a few facts about a person or what they value and then ask if the other person likes them. They need to interact and learn about each other on an individual level. Or better yet, reading off a list of things that someone likes and what they expect from a spouse and then asking, "Are you ready to say, 'I do'"? It seems absurd in some ways, but why is our introduction to Christ like this? We tell people about what God wants us to do and how to act and then ask, do you like him? Would you like to be with him in heaven some day? The only perk at that point is that they wouldn't go to Hell. (which sounds like a bad place and everyone knows they don't want to be there)
   The gospel is God. That is what the dreamy place of Heaven is, to finally be able to leave this broken, hurting place and have a full relationship with God. It's like having an internet dating relationship (minus Skype) and to finally meet the one you feel in love with, by just talking, face-to-face. (I do agree all these examples break down but I hope it still makes a point)

  I share all of this because the many ways I see believers and unbelievers being treated unjustly and not as Christ would have intended. I am to blame, as much as others, for times that I have shared the false gospel that American Christians believe. I think the Church, as individuals and a whole, need to really evaluate what they believe and how they are portraying Christ. Is it the Christ of the Bible, or is some variation of how we would like Christ to be to fit our needs or lifestyle.

 I know people may have heard this before, but I really believe that if Jesus attended your church, would he be welcome? Would I welcome him into my small group? Would I roll my eyes at the things he said and taught? Just some food for thought.

This is just meant to be comical. Hope it's not offensive!


Kony 2012: You Decide

    So yea, there is this viral video all over Facebook called Kony 2012, started by the Invisible Children Inc. to raise awareness of Joseph Kony, who is the leader of the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) in Uganda. There is now a lot of controversy this organization, so I would get in on it, to help people decide for themselves.
      Yea, the initial video is long and pulls at the heart strings. I think that is good to elicit a response from people. Hopefully one that is not easily passed over or forgotten, so that they are moved to take action. I don't mind one bit, continuing to raise awareness so that action can be taken.
       One BIG problem people seem to have with the Invisible Children Inc, is their monetary allocations. (Where they put their money) One way you can find out how charities choose to use their money is a website called charitynavigator.org.
       This website give Invisible Children Inc. an overall 3 out of 4 star rating but does relay that they do lack external audit committe, which is a third party to analyze expenses. So it believed by what they publish that only 32% of their budget goes to helping African children. (Their total expense from 2011 was 8,676,614 with about 2,810,681 in "direct services *see photo below*)
Invisible Children, INC 2011 budget per www.invisiblechildren.com/financials

      When talking about direct services the money goes through Ugandan Army and Sudan's People Liberation Army first before it gets to the children. That is why every is 'up-in-arms' about how they use their money and if it is really 'helping' those invisible children their company is named after. That is the fuel behind articles such as this, "The Real Story About the “KONY 2012″ Video"

    After all this information, I'll let you decide what you think is best. Just remember that all articles that you read, will have some type of 'angle' or biased. The best you can do, is to read what you can and make an informed decision. I think that I will continue to spread info about Kony 2012 to raise awareness in hopes that our government will take action. Sending 100 troops as 'advisors' is a start but to continue to help out, in ways that will really make a difference, is a hard process. With the African governments as corrupt as the 'terrorist' groups they are fighting is very difficult to navigate to say the least. I'm not sure what or how to go about any of this at this point. 
   I have been a 'follower' of the Invisible Children Inc for a couple of years and still don't know what the next step is. Just as with Hitler and other violent rulers, we cannot sit back and be silent. But what to do, with those children and families so far away? I'll let you dwell on that question, as I do as well.

**Remember, regardless of what you think of Invisible Children, INC, there is still this horrible conflict going on, not only in Uganda, but is most African countries. Where women are used as sex slaves and thrown away or killed when not needed and children are forced into armies and threatened by their lives or their families, and all people alike are dismembered, disfigured or killed if they refuse or attempt to escape. This needs to be stopped. The Creator of us all, must weep at they way we treat each other. So please, don't just get discouraged by the 'drama' of the institutions/organization, try to figure out which way is best to help, in whatever way, shape or form that may be.** 

To keep things brief.. I'll just put this website, so you can read other reasons, why the, "Kony 2012" campaign, is not as 'good' as it may sound.
Why You Should Feel Awkward About the Kony 2012 Video